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You searched for: eyesight-academics
  • A to Z: Hemangioma for Parents

    Learn more about hemangiomas, common birthmarks in infants.

  • Is It Normal to Masturbate? for Teens

    It’s normal for people to masturbate. Some people do it to relieve stress or tension. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

  • Learning, Play, and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old for Parents

    After learning to recognize your voice, your face, and your touch, your baby will start responding more to you during these months and even give you a smile!

  • Learning, Play, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    Your infant will learn to sit during this time, and in the next few months will begin exploring by reaching out for objects, grasping and inspecting them.

  • Learning, Play, and Your Newborn for Parents

    Play is the primary way that infants learn how to move, communicate, socialize, and understand their surroundings. And during the first month of life, your baby will learn by interacting with you.

  • Albinism for Parents

    Humans, animals, and even plants can have albinism, a condition that gives people a kind of pale appearance. Find out more about albinism here.

  • Your Child's Vision for Parents

    It's important for kids to have their eyes examined regularly, as many vision problems and eye diseases can be detected and treated early.

  • Glaucoma for Parents

    Glaucoma damages the optic nerve. The condition gets worse over time and leads to a loss of vision if not treated.

  • Astigmatism for Parents

    In astigmatism, the cornea or lens of the eye has an abnormal shape, which may make things look blurry or wavy.

  • Fireworks Safety for Parents

    Before your family celebrates a holiday, make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety.