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You searched for: say-no
  • Your Ears for Kids

    Now hear this! Here's an article about ears. Find out how your amazing ears do their amazing job.

  • What Is a Gene? for Kids

    Why does one kid have green eyes while another kid's eyes are brown? It's all in the genes! Find out how genes work, what happens when there are problems with genes, and more.

  • Your Lungs & Respiratory System for Kids

    What's something kids are doing all day, every day? Breathing! Your lungs are large and in charge of breathing, so read all about them in this article.

  • Communication and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old for Parents

    Your toddler is probably saying a few first words now, but you may not be able to understand them all. Learn about how your child is communicating.

  • My Child Wants to Grow Taller. What Should I Say? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Stuttering and Speech Problems for Kids

    Do you or does someone you know ever have a hard time getting words out? Get the whole story on stuttering and other speech problems in this article for kids.

  • 5 Ways to Get Drivers to Stop Texting for Teens

    If a texting driver is making you nervous but you're not sure how to bring the topic up, here are some ideas.

  • What Can I Say to a Friend Who's Having Unprotected Sex? for Teens

    Sex is a topic that can be hard to talk about, even with friends. Here's how to start a tough talk.

  • Amanda's Hodgkin's Story for Kids

    Amanda's life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Apologizing for Teens

    We all mess up at times. An apology tells someone that we're sorry for the hurt we caused, even if we didn't do it on purpose. But how do you apologize? And how should you handle it if someone apologizes to you? Find out here.