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  • Myelomeningocele for Parents

    Myelomeningocele is a type of spina bifida in which a baby is born with a gap in the bones of the spine.

  • Hydrocephalus for Parents

    Often called "water on the brain," hydrocephalus can cause babies' and young children's heads to swell to make room for excess cerebrospinal fluid. Learn how this condition is managed.

  • X-Ray Exam: Scoliosis for Parents

    Kids with scoliosis have a spine that curves, like an S or a C. If scoliosis is suspected, a doctor may order X-rays to measure the curvature of the spine.

  • Basilar Invagination for Parents

    Basilar invagination is when the top of the spine pushes up into the base of the skull. It causes pinching and pressing on the brain stem.

  • Reye Syndrome for Parents

    Reye syndrome is an extremely rare but serious illness. Cases have dropped greatly since the finding of a link between the illness and aspirin use in kids and teens.

  • Tapeworm for Parents

    Tapeworms are usually more upsetting to think about than to deal with. Tapeworm infections are rare in the United States, and they're usually easy to treat.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries for Parents

    A spinal cord injury is when the spinal cord gets cut, bruised, stretched, or poked. It can change the way the body moves, feels, and functions.

  • Ataxia-Telangiectasia for Parents

    Ataxia telangiectasia is a rare genetic condition. Children with the condition have uncoordinated movements that get worse over time.

  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome for Parents

    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare medical condition that affects the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. Luckily, most people who get GBS recover.

  • Multiple Sclerosis for Parents

    Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease that affects the central nervous system. The symptoms of MS vary depending on which nerves are affected.