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You searched for: alternative-medicine
  • Dairy-Free Diet for Parents

    A dairy-free diet is one that has no animal milk in it or any products made from milk.

  • Dealing With Traffic for Teens

    Congestion, nighttime, and construction zone driving are tricky driving conditions. Here are tips for teen drivers on handling these situations.

  • Wheat Allergy for Parents

    Wheat allergy can cause serious reactions. Find out how to help kids with an allergy stay safe.

  • Kids and Media Use: How to Build Healthy Habits for Parents

    TV, interactive video games, and the Internet can be excellent sources of education and entertainment, but too much plugged-in time can have unhealthy side effects.

  • Vegetarian Diets for Parents

    Vegetarian diets have become more popular, and many parents may wonder if kids can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all the nutrients necessary for growing up healthy and strong.

  • Your Child's Habits for Parents

    Nail biting, hair twirling, thumb sucking, and nose picking - these childhood habits are common. Here's how to deal with them.

  • Parent–Teacher Conferences: Tips for Teachers for Parents

    Conducting effective conferences can boost family involvement in your classroom and help promote positive outcomes for you, your students, and your school. Here's what to do before, during, and after the meeting. This article is for educators.

  • How to Find Affordable Health Care for Parents

    Your kids could be eligible for health care coverage right now and you might not know it. Here are some options that may be available to your family.

  • Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding for Parents

    Making a decision to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a personal one. There are some points to consider to help you decide which option is best for you and your baby.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.