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  • Poison Ivy for Kids

    Poison ivy can give you a nasty rash. Find out more about it - and the other plants that can make you itch - in this article for kids.

  • Pityriasis Versicolor for Teens

    Pityriasis versicolor is a rash caused by a fungus. It can appear over the chest, shoulders, and back, and is a common cause of skin rashes in teens.

  • Acanthosis Nigricans for Parents

    Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a condition that causes the skin to thicken and darken in places. AN is not harmful or contagious, but can be a sign of certain other medical conditions.

  • A to Z: Clubfoot for Parents

    Clubfoot is a birth defect that causes one or both of a baby's feet to turn inward and downward, giving the foot or feet a club-like appearance.

  • A to Z: Pectus Carinatum for Parents

    Learn more about pectus carinatum, commonly called pigeon chest.

  • Acanthosis Nigricans for Teens

    Acanthosis nigricans is a darkening and thickening of the skin that can be a sign of other medical conditions. Find out more.

  • Hemangiomas: Suzanne's Story for Parents

    When Anna was born, she developed red spots that her parents learned were hemangiomas, benign birthmarks that she eventually outgrew. Her mother tells her story.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum for Parents

    Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral skin infection. For most children, the rash isn't a big deal and goes away on its own over time.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum for Teens

    The skin rash molluscum contagiosum isn't a big deal. Find out what to do about it in this article for teens.

  • Canker Sores (Aphthous Ulcers) for Parents

    Many people regularly get bothersome canker sores in their mouths. Here's how to help prevent them - and make a kid who has one more comfortable.