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You searched for: household-safety-checklist2
  • COVID-19 Tests: Which One Is Best? for Parents

    Two kinds of tests can see if someone is infected with COVID-19: molecular tests (such as PCR) and antigen tests. Find out how they differ and which might be best for you or your family.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): Being Ready to Quarantine for Parents

    People who have a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection or are around someone who has it should stay home to prevent spreading the virus. Here's how to prepare to quarantine or isolate at home.

  • First Aid: Pinkeye for Parents

    Pinkeye is an inflammation of the white part of the eye and the inner eyelids. Although some kinds of pinkeye go away on their own, others require treatment.

  • Taking Care of Your Grandchildren for Parents

    When you take care of your grandkids, you're probably excited to put your own parenting experience to good use. But there are a few childcare basics to brush up on.

  • Learning, Play, and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old for Parents

    Kids go from babies to toddlers during this time, from first steps to walking well. They also make major strides in language and communication.

  • Scabies for Parents

    Scabies is an infestation that affects the skin, and is caused by a mite that burrows into the top layer of skin. It causes itching and bumps or blisters.

  • 5 Ways to Prepare for an Allergy Emergency for Parents

    Being prepared for an allergy emergency will help you, your child, and other caregivers respond in the event of a serious reaction.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Gates for Parents

    Gates placed at the top of stairs or in doorways are used to keep toddlers away from hazardous areas of the home. Here's what to look for.

  • Well-Child Visit: 15 Months for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your toddler might be doing by 15 months.

  • Well-Child Visit: 1.5 Years (18 Months) for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your toddler might be doing by 18 months.