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You searched for: exercising
  • Compulsive Exercise for Teens

    Compulsive exercise can lead to serious health problems. Lots of people don't know when they've crossed the line from healthy activity to unhealthy addiction. Read about ways to tell.

  • Mindfulness Exercises for Teens

    Being mindful helps people do better in just about every part of life, like focusing on homework or feeling less stressed out. Here are 5 exercises to practice building mindfulness skills.

  • Why Exercise Is Wise for Teens

    Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help you to feel better emotionally. Find out why.

  • Kids and Exercise for Parents

    Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.

  • Exercise Log for Teens

    Keeping an exercise log is a great way to stay motivated and reach exercise goals.

  • Compulsive Exercise for Parents

    Even though exercise has many positive benefits, too much can be harmful. Teens who exercise compulsively are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.

  • Exercising During Pregnancy for Parents

    Most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. But during that time, you'll need to make a few changes to your normal exercise routine.

  • Easy Exercises for Teens for Teens

    Finding it hard to fit in fitness? Try these simple exercises for teens.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Teens

    Some people have asthma symptoms only during or after exercise. This is called exercise-induced asthma. Here are some tips for coping with it.

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma for Parents

    Many kids with asthma have symptoms only when they exercise. But with careful management, they usually can do anything their peers can do.