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You searched for: cancer-home-again
  • Kids Talk About: Feeling Scared for Kids

    All kids feel scared once in a while. Find out what frightens them in this article for kids.

  • Cardiac Arrest for Parents

    Cardiac arrest is when changes in the normal electrical activity of the heart make it suddenly stop beating. Quick medical care is essential.

  • What Is the Apgar Score? for Parents

    The Apgar score is the very first test given to a newborn, done right after birth in the delivery or birthing room.

  • Teaching Your Child How to Swallow Pills for Parents

    Swallowing a pill is something that many of us take for granted. But just like any skill, learning to swallow a pill takes practice.

  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease for Teens

    Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is an overuse injury that can cause knee pain in teens, especially during growth spurts. Learn more.

  • Miscarriages for Parents

    Miscarriages are common, and in most cases aren't preventable. But you can take steps to increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

  • Your Heart & Circulatory System for Teens

    The heart and circulatory system (also called the cardiovascular system) make up the network that delivers blood to the body's tissues.

  • Hamstring Strain for Teens

    A hamstring strain happens when one or more of the muscles in the back of the leg gets stretched too far and starts to tear. Find out how to treat hamstring strains in this article for teens.

  • Heart and Circulatory System for Parents

    The heart and circulatory system are our body's lifeline, delivering blood to the body's tissues..

  • Definition: Bronchial Tubes for Parents

    When a person breathes, air taken in through the nose or mouth then goes into the trachea (windpipe). From there, it passes through the bronchial tubes, into the lungs, and finally back out again. People with asthma have bronchial tubes that are inflamed.