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You searched for: saliva
  • What's Saliva? for Kids

    Saliva is none other than spit, the clear liquid in your mouth that's made of water and other chemicals.

  • A to Z: Sialadenitis for Parents

    Learn about sialadenitis, an infection of the saliva-producing glands.

  • What's Spit? for Kids

    Saliva, also known as spit, is a clear liquid that's made in your mouth 24 hours a day, every day. If you want to know more about spit and what it's made of, check out this article for kids.

  • Your Tongue for Kids

    Your tongue: You taste with it, talk with it, and sometimes even stick it out! Find out more in this article for kids.

  • What's Mononucleosis? for Kids

    People call mononucleosis "kissing disease" because you can get it from someone else's saliva. Mono can make you feel super tired and sick.

  • Rabies for Parents

    Rabies is a serious infection of the nervous system that is caused by a virus. Rabies is usually transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.

  • Your Digestive System for Kids

    The digestive system breaks down the food you eat. Learn how in this article for kids.

  • What Are Glands? for Kids

    You've heard of glands, but what are they? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Hey! A Mosquito Bit Me! for Kids

    There are thousands of different kinds of mosquitoes in many different sizes and colors. Learn all about mosquitoes and how they bite you in this article.

  • What Are Retainers? for Kids

    Retainers are really common. In fact, most kids have to wear a retainer for at least a little while after getting their braces taken off. Find out more.