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  • Body Image and Self-Esteem for Teens

    When your body changes, so can your image of yourself. Find out how your body image affects your self-esteem and what you can do.

  • Talking About Your Feelings for Kids

    Noticing your feelings and saying how you feel can help you feel better. This article for kids has ideas on how to practice talking about feelings and emotions.

  • Binge Eating Disorder for Teens

    Binge eating is a type of eating disorder. This article explains what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

  • Apologizing for Teens

    We all mess up at times. An apology tells someone that we're sorry for the hurt we caused, even if we didn't do it on purpose. But how do you apologize? And how should you handle it if someone apologizes to you? Find out here.

  • Taming Tempers for Parents

    Controlling outbursts can be hard for kids - and helping them learn to do so is a tough job for their parents. But just about every child can improve with the right coaching.

  • Getting Along With Your Teachers for Teens

    Teachers can look out for you, guide you, and provide you with an adult perspective. Many are willing to answer questions, offer advice, and help with personal problems.

  • Dwarfism for Parents

    Dwarfism is a condition that is characterized by short stature. Many of the possible complications of dwarfism are treatable, and people of short stature lead healthy, active lives.

  • Feelings for Kids

    Confused, sad, mad, glad? Check out this section to learn about these emotions and many more — and how to deal with them.