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How to Handle a Splinter
Splinters are objects that get embedded under the skin. Usually these are small pieces of wood, but glass, metal, and plastic can be splinters too.
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of a Splinter?
- a small speck or line under the skin, usually on the hands or feet
- a feeling that something is stuck under the skin
- pain at the location of the splinter
Very tiny splinters that are near the surface of the skin and aren't painful don’t need to be removed and will come out on their own in a few days. Just keep the area clean and watch for signs of infection.
If a splinter is deep and causes pain, take it out as soon as you spot it. This helps prevent infection and makes removal easier because the skin won't have time to heal over it.
How Do I Remove a Splinter?
To remove a splinter:
- Wash your hands, then the area around the splinter with soap and warm water.
- Check out the splinter carefully. You might need a magnifying glass to see it if it's very small.
- Sterilize tweezers and a needle with rubbing alcohol. If you don’t have rubbing alcohol, you can put the ends of each in boiling water, then wipe them off with a clean cotton ball or pad.
- If the splinter is sticking through the skin, firmly grip the end with the tweezers. Pull slowly and gently at the same angle the splinter went in so it won't break.
- If the tip of the splinter isn't sticking out, gently use the needle to poke the end of the splinter. Then push the splinter out until you can grab the end with the tweezers. Sometimes you might need to gently scrape away the skin that’s over the splinter until you can grab the end.
- Check to be sure all pieces of the splinter came out. Then, wash the area with soap and warm water once more.
If your child is very young, it can help find a good distraction while you remove the splinter.
When Should I Call the Doctor About a Splinter?
Call the doctor if:
- The splinter seems to be too deep or won't come out.
- The splinter is under a fingernail or toenail and can't be reached.
- The area is bleeding a lot.
- The skin around the splinter looks infected (look for redness, swelling, warmth, or pus).
- Your child's vaccines are not up to date.
What Can Help Prevent Splinters?
Make sure kids:
- don't rub their hands on wooden surfaces (picnic tables, outdoor furniture, playground equipment, railings, toys)
- wear shoes on decks, boardwalks, and docks, and when wading in water
- wear slippers or shoes if there's broken glass on the floor
- steer clear of bushes and plants with thorns or spikes
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice,
diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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