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Autism Checklist: Babies & Preschoolers (Birth to Age 5)
If your child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there's a lot to learn. But you're not alone. Many resources and support services are available to you.
This 7-step checklist can help you figure out the next steps for your baby, toddler, or preschooler.
Step 1: Learn About Your Child's Diagnosis and Needs
Learn all you can about autism and its symptoms. Kids with ASD might have language delays or trouble communicating with others. They may have unusual or repetitive behaviors, or problems with learning. Some kids may have health problems like seizures, feeding problems, constipation, or trouble sleeping.
Talk to your doctor about your concerns about your child’s health or development. Your child may need to see a specialist to treat any underlying health conditions and a therapist to help learn new skills. When talking with doctors or therapists, ask lots of questions. If you're not satisfied with the answers, think about getting a second opinion.
Step 2: Learn About Education Services
Birth to Age 3
By federal law, kids younger than age 3 who have special health care needs can get extra support to help them reach developmental milestones, like talking. These services are called early intervention.
In early intervention, therapists help children learn at home, daycare, or another place. Parents and caregivers find out how to help improve their child's language and communication. Skills worked on include:
- improving eye contact and use of gestures to communicate with others
- using words, signs, or pictures to request items and interact with others
- responding when their name is called
- paying attention to an object or event together (called joint or shared attention)
Each state runs its own early intervention program. Ask your pediatrician for a referral or visit the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center directory for state-specific contact info.
Age 3 & Up
Kids with autism age 3 or older may get an individualized education program (IEP) from their local school district. This plan will outline the need for things like speech therapy, occupational therapy (OT), or a classroom aide to help with positive behavior choices. To learn more, call your school district's office of special education.
Children who do not qualify for an IEP may be able to get educational assistance through a 504 education plan, which provides learning support in a regular classroom.
Step 3: Find Out About Health Coverage
Therapy to help with symptoms of ASD can help kids thrive, but insurance doesn’t always cover it. Coverage depends on your state — and it's not always easy to figure out.
Here are ways to learn what’s covered:
- Call your health insurance company to find out what services they will pay for.
- Talk to a social worker on your care team to learn about programs available to your child.
- Visit websites of national ASD organizations, which may have quizzes and other tools to show what your state or health care plan covers.
If you don't have insurance, your state's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Medicaid programs may provide coverage for your child. Medicaid may also offer extra coverage if your health insurance doesn't cover all costs. Coverage is based on your child's disability and need, not on your family's income.
Step 4: Find Childcare If You Need It
By law, childcare providers can’t discriminate against children with special health care needs. But make sure the daycare center or childcare provider you choose has the right skills and setting for your child. State agencies that handle early intervention can often give you referrals to appropriate childcare providers.
Step 5: Join Social Groups and Make Playdates
As kids with ASD grow, find chances for them to play with other kids their age and practice the skills they learn in therapy. If you have a toddler or preschooler, think about joining a "Mommy and Me" class or set up play dates with kids in the area. These meetups can be good chances for your child to learn.
If possible, sign your child up for social skills training classes. These are for kids who need extra help interacting with others. Children learn about things like making eye contact, taking turns, and sharing. A therapist or social worker leads most classes, which might be covered by insurance or offered as part of an IEP.
Also look for your own chances to be social — and for any other kids you have. Many areas have support groups for parents or siblings of kids with ASD. Being around others who are going through similar challenges can help you learn new ways of coping.
Step 6: Get Support When You Need It
When you have a young child with ASD, it's important to take breaks and ask for help when you need it. This may be hard to do at first, but it will allow you to give more time and energy to your family.
Ask a family member for help with things like laundry or meal planning. Trade off with your spouse or partner on watching your child so that each of you can get much-needed "me time." Hire a sitter who feels comfortable caring for your child or consider respite care so that you can go out for a night.
Step 7: Plan for Your Child's Future
If you haven't written a will or set up a legal and financial framework for your child's future, do so. Talk with a financial advisor and a lawyer who focuses on special health care needs law. They can help you manage your assets and prepare financially for your child's future.
- I Think My Child Might Have Autism. What Should I Do?
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Getting Support When Your Child Has Special Health Care Needs
- Special Education: Getting Help for Your Child
- Autism Special Needs Checklist: Teens & Young Adults
- Autism Special Needs Checklist: Big Kids (Ages 6–12)
- Autism Factsheet (for Schools)
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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Images sourced by The Nemours Foundation and Getty Images.