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You searched for: allergy-testing
  • Allergy Testing for Parents

    Find out how doctors test for allergies.

  • Allergy Testing for Teens

    Doctors use several different types of allergy tests, depending on what a person may be allergic to. Find out what to expect from allergy tests.

  • Food Allergy Testing for Parents

    Find out how doctors test for food allergies.

  • Tests for Food Allergies for Parents

    Doctors often use a combination of skin tests and blood tests to test for food allergies. Learn about what to expect if your child gets tested.

  • Blood Test: Allergen-Specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) for Parents

    This blood test can check for some kinds of allergies.

  • What Is Skin Testing for Allergies? for Parents

    A scratch or skin prick test is a common way doctors find out more about a person's allergies.

  • Blood Test: Immunoglobulin E (IgE) for Parents

    The immunoglobulin E (IgE) blood test is often done as part of an initial screen for allergies. High IgE levels also may indicate a parasitic infection.

  • Types of Blood Tests for Parents

    Blood tests help doctors check how the body’s organs — such as the kidneys, liver, and thyroid, and heart — are working, and see if medical treatments are helpful. Here are some that kids might get.

  • Blood Test: Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) for Parents

    Immunoglobulins (antibodies in the blood) can give doctors important information about the immune system, especially relating to infection or autoimmune disease.

  • Stool Tests for Parents

    Doctors may order a stool collection test to check for blood, bacteria, ova, or parasites. Find out how these tests are done and what to expect.