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You searched for: grandparents
  • Natural Childbirth for Parents

    Some women choose to give birth using no medications at all, relying instead on relaxation techniques and controlled breathing for pain. Get more information on natural childbirth.

  • Keeping Kids Safe in Cars for Parents

    Learn how to protect kids by properly using car seats and booster seats.

  • Preventing Kids From Getting Trapped in Parked Cars for Parents

    Parked cars can be dangerous places for kids whether they’re left in the car or get in by themselves. These tips can help protect them.

  • Learning Problems for Kids

    Having a learning disability doesn't mean you can't learn. The trick will be figuring out how you learn best.

  • Gum Disease for Teens

    Gum disease doesn't just happen to people your grandparents' age - it can happen to teens too. Get the details here.

  • When It's Just You After School for Kids

    Are you home alone after school? If so, find out how to stay safe and keep busy until mom or dad comes home.

  • How Can I Feel Less Lonely? for Teens

    All people feel left out or alone with their troubles sometimes. Find out ways to reduce loneliness by boosting your feelings of closeness, bonding, and belonging.

  • I Think I Have a Mental Health Problem. Who Can I Talk To? for Teens

    If you have a mental health problem or you just need support through a tough time, it can help to talk with someone. Here's how teens can find that help.

  • Grief for Teens

    The death of a loved one can mean a big change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.

  • Celiac Disease for Parents

    Celiac disease happens when someone has a food intolerance to gluten. Here's how to manage symptoms and prevent damage to the intestines.