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You searched for: az-symptoms-muscle-weakness
  • Burner (Stinger) for Parents

    Burners (or stingers) are injuries to the nerve network in the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, and fingers. They're pretty common in sports and usually go away quickly.

  • Groin Strain for Teens

    A groin strain is when one or more of the muscles in the inner thigh gets stretched, injured, or torn. Find out what to do for groin strains.

  • How to Handle Heat Illness for Parents

    In hot weather, a child's internal temperature can rise and cause heat exhaustion, which can progress to heatstroke if not treated quickly.

  • A to Z: Spinal Stenosis for Parents

    Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces in the spine, or backbone, where the spinal cord is located. Pressure placed on the spinal cord causes pain and disruption to some body functions.

  • Hamstring Strain for Teens

    A hamstring strain happens when one or more of the muscles in the back of the leg gets stretched too far and starts to tear. Find out how to treat hamstring strains in this article for teens.

  • Multiple Sclerosis for Parents

    Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease that affects the central nervous system. The symptoms of MS vary depending on which nerves are affected.

  • Burner (Stinger) for Teens

    Burners - also called stingers - usually happen in the neck or shoulder. They take their name from the burning or stinging sensation they cause. Find out how to treat burners - and prevent them.

  • A to Z: Mononucleosis for Parents

    Learn more about mononucleosis, an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) with flu-like symptoms.

  • Enterovirus Infections for Parents

    Enteroviruses are a common cause of infection in people of all ages, with symptoms that can range from mild to serious.

  • Overuse Injuries for Teens

    Overuse (or repetitive stress) injuries happen when too much stress is placed on a part of the body, causing problems like swelling, pain, muscle strain, and tissue damage.