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You searched for: word-stress
  • What Is Bone Marrow? for Kids

    Bone marrow is a thick, spongy kind of jelly inside your bones.

  • What's a Spinal Tap? for Kids

    A spinal tap is an important test for diagnosing illnesses, such as meningitis.

  • What Is the Glycemic Index? for Kids

    The body breaks down most carbohydrates from the foods we eat and changes them to a type of sugar called glucose. The glycemic index is a way of measuring how fast this happens and how a food affects blood glucose levels.

  • What Are White Blood Cells? for Kids

    White blood cells are part of the germ-fighting immune system.

  • What Is DNA? for Kids

    DNA is the genetic information inside the cells of the body that helps make people who they are.

  • What's a Nasal Cavity? for Kids

    The nasal cavity is the inside of your nose.

  • What Are Third-Degree Burns? for Kids

    A third-degree burn is one that damages all the layers of the skin and the tissue beneath the skin.

  • What's the Anus? for Kids

    The anus is the opening where your bowel movements (also known as poop) come out.

  • What Does Pulmonary Mean? for Kids

    Breathe in . . . breathe out . . . and feel your pulmonary power!

  • What Is Polyphagia? for Kids

    Polyphagia is the medical word for eating very large amounts of food.