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5 Reasons to Look for a Summer Job
It may be tempting to take the summer off and relax, but looking for a job will give you helpful life skills. Finding a job may be hard, but the search will be worth it. Jobs are out there.
Even if you don't land the job you want, you'll still gain these skills from the process:
- You'll develop your interview skills. The more jobs you apply for, the better you'll get at interviewing. Learning to interview well is an important lifelong skill. It can help you get into college and even land a full-time job.
- You'll get better at coping with rejection. You may not get the first job you interview for. Rejection happens in life and it can be hard to handle. The more we face rejection, the easier it becomes to move forward and bounce back.
- You'll learn something about yourself. If you get a job that wasn't your first choice, you might discover a new skill or interest. If you need to save money, you may learn that commitment is necessary to reach your goals. If nothing works out? You may decide to start your own business.
- You'll push the limits of your comfort zone. It's a lot easier to sit at home doing the same things. But job-hunting can push you out of your comfort zone. Experiencing new things can make you more productive and you might even have fun!
- You'll feel good about yourself. The self-confidence you can build at work will help when you are back in school, applying for college, and getting a job after high school.
If you're thinking about a summer job, apply. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. And if you don't get a job, volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to gain experience. It looks favorable on résumés for college applications or future jobs.
If you need help writing a résumé to apply for a job, search online. A number of websites offer free tips.
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice,
diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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Images sourced by The Nemours Foundation and Getty Images.
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