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You searched for: self-defense
  • Hand Washing: Why It's So Important for Parents

    Washing your hands well and often is the best way to keep from getting sick. Here's how to teach this all-important habit to your kids.

  • Abusive Relationships for Teens

    Abuse has no place in love. Read this article to find out how to recognize the signs of abuse and how you can get help.

  • Safety Tips: Football for Teens

    Football is a lot of fun, but since the name of the game is to hit somebody, injuries are common. To keep things as safe as possible, follow these tips.

  • Safety Tips: Football for Parents

    Football is a lot of fun, but injuries are common. To keep things as safe as possible on the gridiron, players should follow these tips.

  • Confidence for Teens

    Confidence means believing in yourself and in your abilities – not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

  • How Do People Get AIDS? for Teens

    AIDS can happen after someone has had HIV for many years and isn’t treated. But not all people with HIV will develop AIDS. Learn how HIV spreads.

  • Should I Gain Weight? for Teens

    Some teens think that they're too skinny, and wonder if they should do something about it. It’s normal to gain weight during the teen years, but trying to put on extra pounds may not be the way to go.

  • The Flu for Teens

    Every flu season, millions of people across the United States come down with the flu. Get the facts on the flu, including how to avoid it.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Parents

    Most bug bites and stings are just annoying. But some can cause infections and allergic reactions. It's important to know what to watch for, and when to get medical attention.

  • Bee, Wasp, and Ant Stings for Parents

    Bee, wasp, and ant stings can cause temporary discomfort and pain, but most don’t lead to serious or lasting health problems.

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