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You searched for: expert-condoms-work
  • Condoms for Teens

    Condoms may be a good birth control option for couples who are responsible enough to use one each time and people who want protection against STDs.

  • Birth Control: Condoms for Parents

    Condoms are thin pouches that keep sperm from getting into the vagina. There are male condoms and female condoms.

  • How to Use a Male Condom for Teens

    Condoms can help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Learn how to use condoms correctly to keep you and your partner safe.

  • Talking to Your Partner About Condoms for Teens

    Some people are embarrassed by the topic of condoms. Here are some tips for talking about condoms with your partner.

  • How Can Condoms Break? for Teens

    Condoms can sometimes rip or tear. Here's what can help prevent that.

  • Is It OK to Carry Condoms in a Wallet? for Teens

    Condoms can get worn out if they’re carried around in a wallet. That means they can break more easily. Learn better places to keep them.

  • How Can You Tell if a Condom Has Expired? for Teens

    Most condoms have expiration dates printed on the packaging. Avoid using a condom after it has expired.

  • Can You Use Two Condoms for Extra Protection? for Teens

    Using two condoms actually offers less protection than using just one. Here’s why.

  • Are Condoms 100% Effective? for Teens

    Condoms aren’t perfect, but if you’re going to have sex, they’re an important way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancy.

  • What if a Condom Slips Off During Sex? for Teens

    When a condom slips off, you are at higher risk for STDs and unplanned pregnancy. Here's what to do.

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