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  • West Nile Virus for Parents

    The threat of West Nile virus has made getting a mosquito bite a cause for concern. What is West Nile virus, and what can you do to prevent it?

  • Mosquito-Borne Diseases for Parents

    Mosquito-borne diseases are illnesses spread by the bite of an infected mosquito.

  • Encephalitis for Teens

    Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. Although encephalitis sounds scary, understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment can help you feel prepared to deal with it if you ever need to.

  • Encephalitis for Parents

    Encephalitis is a rare brain inflammation caused by a virus. The best way to avoid encephalitis is to prevent the illnesses that may lead to it.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • A to Z: Zoonosis for Parents

    Learn more about diseases, infections, and conditions transmitted to humans from animals.

  • Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) for Parents

    Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a rare but serious condition that affects the nervous system.

  • Donating Blood for Teens

    There's a 97% chance that someone you know will need a blood transfusion. Blood donors — especially donors with certain blood types — are always in demand. Find out what's involved in this article for teens.

  • Blood Transfusions for Parents

    A blood transfusion is a safe and relatively simple medical procedure that replaces blood lost during surgery or because of an injury or illness.

  • Blood Transfusions for Teens

    Millions of people a year get blood transfusions in the United States. This article explains why people need them and who donates the blood used.

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