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You searched for: cake-have
  • Dairy-Free Diet for Parents

    A dairy-free diet is one that has no animal milk in it or any products made from milk.

  • What Are Carbohydrates? for Kids

    Carbohydrates (carbs) are a part of food. Find out why you need them in this article for kids.

  • Dietary Tips for Kids With Cystic Fibrosis for Parents

    Kids with cystic fibrosis have some special nutritional needs. Here's how parents can help them.

  • Carbohydrates and Diabetes for Teens

    If you have diabetes, your doctor may have recommended keeping track of how many carbohydrates (carbs) you eat. But what exactly are carbs and how do they affect your blood sugar?

  • Hypoglycemia and Diabetes for Parents

    When blood glucose levels drop too low, it's called hypoglycemia. Very low blood sugar levels can cause severe symptoms that require immediate treatment.

  • Learning, Play, and Your 8- to 12-Month-Old for Parents

    Your baby is learning more about the world through play and is beginning to use words. Keep those toys and games coming!

  • School Lunches for Kids

    Lunch is a great part of the school day. Find out why what you eat can rev you up - or slow you down - for the afternoon ahead.

  • Carbohydrates and Sugar for Parents

    Carbs are the body's most important and readily available source of energy. The key is to eat healthy ones, like whole grains, and avoid foods with added sugar.

  • Carbohydrates and Diabetes for Parents

    Making smart choices when it comes to carbs and following the diabetes care plan can help keep your child's blood sugars under control.

  • Glucagon and Diabetes for Parents

    Sometimes, if someone with diabetes has very low blood sugar, they need a dose of glucagon to get their blood sugar back to a healthy range.

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