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You searched for: puts-self-down
  • Well-Child Visit: Newborn for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve after your baby arrives.

  • Well-Child Visit: 6 Months for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your baby might be doing by 6 months.

  • The Ponseti Method: Casting Phase for Parents

    The Ponseti method to treat clubfoot is done in two phases – the casting phase gradually moves the foot to the correct position, and the bracing phase makes sure it stays there. Learn about casting.

  • A to Z: Slipped Disc for Parents

    Activities and sports that put stress on the back can lead to a slipped disc, which can cause pain in the back, arms, and legs.

  • Tampons, Pads, and Other Period Supplies for Teens

    When it comes to pads and tampons, there are lots of choices. It may take some experimenting before you find what works best for you. Here are some tips.

  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip for Parents

    Babies can be born with this hip problem or develop it soon after birth. Early treatment can help the hip joint grow normally.

  • Disciplining Your Toddler for Parents

    Reeling in your active little one can be tough. But setting limits now helps prevent bigger problems down the road.

  • Story Time for Preschoolers for Parents

    Reading aloud to your preschooler is a great way to encourage learning development and to help prepare your child for independent reading down the line.

  • Torticollis in Infants for Parents

    Babies with this condition have trouble turning their heads, due to muscle tightness. Simple stretching exercises and physical therapy can help babies get better.

  • How to Safely Store and Dispose of Medicines for Parents

    Part of using medicines safely is knowing how to store them and how to get rid of them after they expire or are no longer needed.

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