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You searched for: blood-transfusion
  • Splenic Sequestration for Parents

    Splenic sequestration is when too many blood cells get stuck in the spleen. This medical emergency can happen to people, usually kids, who have sickle cell disease.

  • G6PD Deficiency for Parents

    G6PD deficiency an inherited condition in which someone doesn't have enough of the enzyme G6PD, which protects red blood cells.

  • Diamond-Blackfan Anemia for Parents

    Diamond-Blackfan anemia happens when bone marrow doesn’t make enough red blood cells. It also can cause physical changes in their heart, head, and upper body.

  • Fanconi Anemia for Parents

    Fanconi anemia is an inherited condition in which the bone marrow doesn’t work normally. A child with the condition needs lifelong medical care.

  • Central Lines (Central Venous Catheters) for Parents

    A central line, or central venous catheter, is much longer than a regular IV. Doctors use them to give medicine, fluids, blood, or nutrition to patients.

  • Blood Test: Reticulocyte Count for Parents

    This test measures the rate at which reticulocytes (immature red blood cells) are made in the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream. A reticulocyte count can provide information about a child's anemia.

  • Malaria for Parents

    Malaria can cause mild illness in some people and life-threatening illness in others. Proper treatment can cure malaria.

  • Blood Test: Hemoglobin Electrophoresis for Parents

    A hemoglobin electrophoresis can help diagnose diseases involving abnormal hemoglobin production, and often is performed as part of newborn screening tests.

  • Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) for Parents

    Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is an immune deficiency that can be successfully treated if it's found early.

  • Hepatitis A for Teens

    Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The hepatitis A vaccine has helped to make the infection rare in the United States.

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