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You searched for: find-book
  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Writing a Paper for Teens

    Writing a paper can seem intimidating at first. But putting together a good paper really just involves a combination of things you already know how to do. Here are some tips.

  • Answering Questions About Sex for Parents

    Answering kids' questions about sex is a responsibility many parents dread. But by answering these questions honestly, parents can help foster healthy feelings about sex.

  • What Can I Do to Ease My Child's Fear of Shots? for Parents

    Find out what can help kids deal with getting vaccines and other shots.

  • Getting Homework Help for Kids

    Homework, homework, homework. How do you get it done? Get some tips in this article for kids.

  • What to Do if You Can't Sleep for Kids

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Find out how to get your ZZZZZs.

  • Be a Green Kid for Kids

    You might wonder how you can help protect the Earth. Find out in this article for kids.

  • Nightmares for Kids

    Nightmares may be upsetting, but they are not "real" and can't harm you. Almost everyone gets them once in awhile. Find out more.

  • Phobias for Kids

    A phobia is strong fear of something. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Helping Kids Cope With Cliques for Parents

    With cliques prevalent in middle and high school, most kids encounter them at some point. Here's how parents can help kids maintain confidence and self-respect while dealing with cliques.

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