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You searched for: feelings-diabetes
  • Stress for Kids

    Everybody feels stressed at time, even kids. But stress isn't always bad. It can help you stay safe or push you to be prepared for important tasks. This article helps kids know how to handle stress and what to do if it gets too much.

  • How Can I Improve My Self-Esteem? for Teens

    We all have problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives. Here are some tips that might help.

  • How to Do a Testicular Self-Exam (Slideshow) for Teens

    The testicular self-examination (TSE) is an easy way for guys to check their own testicles to make sure there aren't any unusual lumps or bumps - which are usually the first sign of testicular cancer.

  • Diabetes and High Blood Sugar for Kids

    Too much glucose in the blood can be unhealthy, especially for kids with diabetes. Learn about diabetes and high blood sugar here.

  • Sexual Orientation for Parents

    During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. It takes time for many kids to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.

  • Choosing Your Mood for Teens

    Choosing your mood means being in control of it instead of feeling like it's controlling you. Here are tips on how to create the right mood to help you succeed at what you're trying to do.

  • Why Do I Feel Depressed When I Have My Period? for Teens

    It's normal to have the blues or feel sick before and during a period.

  • Practicing Positive Emotions for Teens

    Positivity is fun to practice, and a great way to learn more about yourself. Here are 10 common positive emotions to explore.

  • When a Loved One Dies: How to Help Your Child for Parents

    When a loved one dies, children feel and show their grief in different ways. Here are some tips for parents on supporting kids through a loss.

  • Helping Kids When They Worry for Parents

    All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

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