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You searched for: whats-cooking
  • What if Everything Goes Wrong When You Get Your First Period? for Kids

    What if your period does start at school, and you aren't ready at all, and your period stains your pants? What do you do?

  • What Is a Gene? for Kids

    Why does one kid have green eyes while another kid's eyes are brown? It's all in the genes! Find out how genes work, what happens when there are problems with genes, and more.

  • Helping Kids When They Worry for Parents

    All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

  • What Does It Mean to Be a Carrier for a Genetic Condition? for Teens

    Find out what it means to be a carrier for a genetic condition.

  • Childhood Depression: What Parents Need to Know for Parents

    When a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer and there are other changes in a child’s behavior, it might be depression. Learn the signs of depression and what parents can do to help their child.

  • Anesthesia: What to Expect for Parents

    Here's a quick look at what may happen before, during, and after your child gets anesthesia.

  • Toxocariasis for Parents

    Toxocara are common parasites of dogs and cats. When they infect humans, the illness is called toxocariasis.

  • When It's Just You After School for Kids

    Are you home alone after school? If so, find out how to stay safe and keep busy until mom or dad comes home.

  • What to Do After a Car Crash for Teens

    Although you do your best to drive responsibly and defensively, it's still a good idea to know what to do just in case you end up in an accident.

  • How Can I Worry Less? for Kids

    Most kids worry at times. It's is a way of thinking about what might happen. It helps people get ready for what's ahead.