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You searched for: soy
  • Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) for Parents

    Food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome, also called FPIES, is a type of delayed food allergy. Someone with FPIES must avoid the foods that might trigger a reaction.

  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) for Parents

    Eosinophilic esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. Most people with the condition improve with treatment.

  • Vegetarian Diets for Parents

    Vegetarian diets have become more popular, and many parents may wonder if kids can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all the nutrients necessary for growing up healthy and strong.

  • Italian Vegetable Casserole for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids with lactose intolerance, who need to limit or avoid dairy products.

  • Spinach Salad for Teens

    This recipe is especially for teens with lactose intolerance, who need to limit or avoid dairy products.

  • Spinach Salad for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids with lactose intolerance, who need to limit or avoid dairy products.

  • When Can Babies Start Drinking Cow's Milk? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Food Allergies (Topic Center) for Parents

    Food allergies can be serious, so it's very important to quickly identify and treat reactions. Learn about food allergies here so you know what to do when a child has a food allergy.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Parents

    The USDA's food guide icon is designed to make meal planning easy. Here's how to get MyPlate onto your table.

  • Formula Feeding FAQs: Starting Solids and Milk for Parents

    Find answers to common inquiries about introducing solids and whole milk to formula-fed babies.