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You searched for: self-defense
  • 5 Ways to Be a Defensive Driver for Teens

    These defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people's bad driving.

  • What to Do After a Car Crash for Teens

    Although you do your best to drive responsibly and defensively, it's still a good idea to know what to do just in case you end up in an accident.

  • 10 Ways New Drivers Can Stay Safe for Teens

    If you're a new driver, these 10 tips can keep you both sane and safe.

  • What Should I Do if My Friend Has an Asthma Flare-Up? for Teens

    Friends can be the first line of defense for someone who is having an asthma flare-up. Here's how to be prepared.

  • 5 Ways to Stay Healthy for the Holidays for Teens

    Stay well and have a good time over the holidays — even if everyone else is falling apart. Our 5 tips will help boost your body's defenses.

  • Immune System for Teens

    The immune system is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs that defend people against germs and microorganisms.

  • Tanning for Teens

    The sun can do a lot more than just give you a warm summer glow. Get the facts on sun and skin damage - and what you can do to protect yourself and still look tan.

  • Texting on the Move for Teens

    You've heard the warnings about texting and driving, but it's also risky to text and walk. Read our tips for safe texting.

  • 5 Ways to Fight the Flu for Teens

    Get tips for fending off the flu in this article for teens.

  • Hand Washing: Why It's So Important for Teens

    Did you know that the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands? If you don't wash your hands frequently, you can pick up germs from other sources and then infect yourself.