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You searched for: school-stress
  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • Video: Welcome Home Yoga for Kids

    You're home from a long day at school. Unwind with Welcome Home Yoga.

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School for Parents

    Kids do better in school when parents are involved. These early years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child's education.

  • Yoga: Meditation and Breathing for Teens

    Breathing and meditation techniques can have subtle but powerful effects on everything from stress to sports performance. Try these four techniques.

  • How to Talk to Your Child About the News for Parents

    News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

  • Helping Kids When They Worry for Parents

    All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

  • Sexual Harassment for Teens

    People who sexually harass someone else use cruel sexual comments, gestures, threats, or actions. Learn examples of this abuse and how to get help.

  • Raynaud's Syndrome for Parents

    Raynaud's syndrome makes a person's fingers or toes temporarily feel cold, numb, tingly, or painful.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome for Kids

    Having irritable bowel syndrome can make a kid feel awful. The good news is that kids can take steps to feel better.

  • How to Heal After Trauma for Teens

    A trauma is any event that’s deeply upsetting, scary, or harmful. It can cause you to fear for your life or safety. Here’s how to help handle the stress, get support, and find ways to cope.