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You searched for: inhalants
  • Vaping: What You Need to Know for Teens

    E-cigarettes (or “vape pens”) heat a liquid until it becomes a vapor that's inhaled. Vape juice can contain nicotine or marijuana distillate or oil. Here are the facts on vaping and its many health risks.

  • What Should I Do if My Friend Has an Asthma Flare-Up? for Teens

    Friends can be the first line of defense for someone who is having an asthma flare-up. Here's how to be prepared.

  • Drugs: What Parents Need to Know for Parents

    Knowing what drugs are out there, what they can do, and how they can affect someone is the first step in raising drug-free kids.

  • Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with exercise-induced asthma (EIA).

  • Your Lungs & Respiratory System for Kids

    What's something kids are doing all day, every day? Breathing! Your lungs are large and in charge of breathing, so read all about them in this article.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Teens

    This site has information and advice on managing and living with asthma.

  • Vaping: What Parents Should Know for Parents

    E-cigarettes (or “vape pens”) heat a liquid until it becomes a vapor, which is inhaled. The liquid (called e-liquid or “vape juice”) can contain nicotine or marijuana distillate or oil. Here are the facts on vaping.

  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) for Parents

    Meconium aspiration can happen before, during, or after labor and delivery when a newborn inhales a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid. Although it can be serious, most cases are not.

  • Drugs: What to Know for Teens

    It's not hard to find drugs, and sometimes it may seem like everyone's doing them or wanting you to do them. But there are downsides (and dangers) to taking drugs.

  • What's a Bronchodilator? for Kids

    A person with asthma may need to take a medicine called a bronchodilator to open the airways, or bronchial tubes.