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You searched for: hat-cluster
  • Anesthesia for Teens

    Here's a basic look at what anesthesia does.

  • Warts for Teens

    Most warts are easy to treat and are rarely cause for alarm. Read this article for more information on warts and how to get rid of them.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 1 Month for Parents

    Put away those newborn clothes. This month your baby will grow at a surprising rate!

  • Ataxia-Telangiectasia for Parents

    Ataxia telangiectasia is a rare genetic condition. Children with the condition have uncoordinated movements that get worse over time.

  • Canker Sores (Aphthous Ulcers) for Parents

    Many people regularly get bothersome canker sores in their mouths. Here's how to help prevent them - and make a kid who has one more comfortable.

  • Liver Tumors for Parents

    Tumors happen when cells form a mass or growth. Liver tumors can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

  • Sclerotherapy for Parents

    Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which medicine is injected into blood vessels or lymph vessels to make them close. It's used to treat vascular malformations.

  • The Lymphatic System for Parents

    The lymphatic system is an extensive drainage network that helps keep bodily fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections.

  • Anesthesia: What to Expect for Parents

    Here's a quick look at what may happen before, during, and after your child gets anesthesia.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 3 Months for Parents

    This month, your baby will continue to grow quickly. Find out what to expect.