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  • Salvia for Teens

    There are many types of salvia plants. One, salvia divinorum, has a substance that can cause psychedelic experiences. Learn more about salvia in this article for teens.

  • A to Z: Sialadenitis for Parents

    Learn about sialadenitis, an infection of the saliva-producing glands.

  • Pool Safety for Kids

    Swimming is a lot of fun! But even kids who know how to swim can have trouble in the water, so let's find out how to stay safe in the pool.

  • What Is Salvia? for Parents

    There are many types of salvia plants. One, salvia divinorum, has a substance that can cause psychedelic experiences.

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding or Clenching) for Parents

    Gnashing and grinding teeth, called bruxism, is common in kids, and often happens during deep sleep or while a child is under stress.

  • A to Z: Flatulence, Eructation, and Gas Pain for Parents

    It may seem embarrassing to talk about, but intestinal gas and the sounds and smells it causes are common and usually totally normal. Learn more here.

  • Babesiosis for Parents

    Babesiosis is a rare illness that happens when tiny parasites infect red blood cells, usually after a bite from an infected tick.

  • What Are Taste Buds? for Kids

    Without taste buds, life would have less flavor. Find out why in this article for kids.

  • First Aid: Teeth Injuries for Parents

    If your child loses a baby tooth, there's no need to replace it. But if a permanent tooth is dislodged, it's a dental emergency. Here's what to do.

  • A to Z: Abscess, Tooth for Parents

    A tooth abscess is a collection of infected material (pus) that forms at the tip of the root of a tooth.