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You searched for: cf-bake-bea4
  • Cheesy Mashed Potatoes for Parents

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for kids with cystic fibrosis (CF), who often need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • Southern-Style Beef Pie for Parents

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for kids with cystic fibrosis (CF), who may need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • Southern-Style Beef Pie for Teens

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for teens with cystic fibrosis (CF), who may need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • Yummy Chicken for Teens

    This dish is loaded with calories and fat, so make sure you take your enzymes if pancreatic insufficient.

  • Cheesecake Squares for Parents

    You can make this yummy dessert now and freeze the leftovers to eat later.

  • Yummy Chicken for Parents

    This dish is loaded with calories and fat, so make sure your child takes his or her enzymes if pancreatic insufficient.

  • Cheesecake Squares for Teens

    You can make this yummy dessert now and freeze the leftovers to eat later.

  • Nutrition & Fitness Center for Teens for Teens

    Visit our Nutrition and Fitness Center to get information and advice on food, exercise, and sports for teens.