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You searched for: hospitals
  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • What's It Like to Stay in the Hospital? for Teens

    Scheduled for a hospital stay? Knowing what to expect can make it a little easier.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Parents

    When your child has a serious or chronic illness, it's hard to think beyond the next treatment. But with some planning, you can help your child balance schoolwork with hospital stays.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Teens

    Every student finds it hard to stay on top of schoolwork sometimes. So what happens when you have to miss a lot of school? This article for teens offers tips and advice.

  • What's a Gurney? for Kids

    A gurney is a hospital bed with wheels that makes it easy to move patients around.

  • Pneumonia for Teens

    Pneumonia is a common lung infection that can usually be treated without a hospital stay.

  • Where Should I Have My Baby? for Parents

    Where you choose to give birth is an important decision. Is a hospital or a birth center right for you? Knowing the facts can help you make your decision.

  • When Your Child's in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for Parents

    It can be stressful whenever kids are in the hospital — and even more so when they're admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). A basic understanding of the PICU can help you feel better prepared to help your child recover.

  • Bringing Your Premature Baby Home for Parents

    If you're about to begin caring for your preemie at home, try to relax. With some preparation and planning, you'll be ready.

  • What Happens in the Operating Room? for Kids

    Surgeries and operations happen in the operating room, sometimes called the OR. Find out more in this article for kids.