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You searched for: hemolytic-anemia
  • Hemolytic Anemia for Parents

    Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia that happens when red blood cells break down faster than the body can make them.

  • Anemia for Parents

    Anemia happens when there aren't enough healthy red blood cells in the body. It can be caused by many things, including dietary problems, medical treatments, and inherited conditions.

  • Anemia for Teens

    Anemia is when the number of red blood cells in the body gets too low. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin (pronounced: HEE-muh-glow-bin), a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Without enough of them, oxygen doesn't get to the body's organs. Without enough oxygen, the organs can't work normally.

  • Hereditary Spherocytosis for Parents

    Hereditary spherocytosis is an inherited blood disorder. Treatments can help with symptoms.

  • G6PD Deficiency for Parents

    G6PD deficiency an inherited condition in which someone doesn't have enough of the enzyme G6PD, which protects red blood cells.

  • Fifth Disease for Parents

    Fifth disease is a viral illness that causes a red rash on the face, body, arms, and legs. It's especially common in kids ages of 5 to 15.

  • Aplastic Anemia for Parents

    Aplastic anemia happens when the body can't make enough blood cells. A person can develop anemia, infections, and bleeding. Treatments can help with most kinds of aplastic anemia.

  • Fanconi Anemia for Parents

    Fanconi anemia is an inherited condition in which the bone marrow doesn’t work normally. A child with the condition needs lifelong medical care.

  • Diamond-Blackfan Anemia for Parents

    Diamond-Blackfan anemia happens when bone marrow doesn’t make enough red blood cells. It also can cause physical changes in their heart, head, and upper body.

  • Thrombocytopenia for Parents

    Thrombocytopenia is when someone has too few platelets in their bloodstream. Many things can cause it and most can be treated.