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You searched for: midwives
  • Health Care Providers: Midwives for Parents

    A midwife specializes in female reproductive health care needs such as prenatal care, labor, delivery, postpartum care, and newborn care for low-risk pregnancies.

  • Where Should I Have My Baby? for Parents

    Where you choose to give birth is an important decision. Is a hospital or a birth center right for you? Knowing the facts can help you make your decision.

  • What Is the Apgar Score? for Parents

    The Apgar score is the very first test given to a newborn, done right after birth in the delivery or birthing room.

  • Natural Childbirth for Parents

    Some women choose to give birth using no medications at all, relying instead on relaxation techniques and controlled breathing for pain. Get more information on natural childbirth.

  • Preparing for Multiple Births for Parents

    Are you expecting more than one baby? Find out how to take care of yourself and prepare for your multiple birth experience.

  • Medical Care During Pregnancy for Parents

    The sooner in pregnancy good care begins, the better for the health of both moms and their babies. Here's what to expect.

  • Staying Healthy During Pregnancy for Parents

    Now that you're pregnant, taking care of yourself has never been more important. Here's how to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.

  • Health Care Providers: Nurses for Parents

    Nurses provide much of the day-to-day care in hospitals, doing vital jobs like giving medicine and educating patients about self-care. Many kinds of nurses provide varying levels of care.

  • A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar for Parents

    Our week-by-week illustrated pregnancy calendar is a detailed guide to all the changes taking place in your baby - and in you!

  • Birth Plans for Parents

    Labor and childbirth may seem far off, but now's the time to start creating a birth plan that details your wishes.