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You searched for: chicken-5ox-name
  • Chickenpox (Varicella) for Parents

    Chickenpox used to be common in kids, causing a very itchy red rash all over the body. But the good news is that a vaccine can prevent most cases.

  • What's Varicella Zoster? for Kids

    This is the medical name for the virus that causes chickenpox, which is known for its red, itchy bumps.

  • Medicines: Using Them Safely for Parents

    Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. Here's how you can help treat your child's illness while you prevent dangerous reactions.

  • What Can I Do About the Rough Skin on My Arms? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • How to Read a Recipe for Kids

    Recipes explain how to cook different foods. Once you know how to follow a recipe, you can get cooking!

  • Food Poisoning for Teens

    The germs that get into food and cause food poisoning are tiny, but can have a powerful effect on the body. Find out what to do if you get food poisoning - and how to prevent it.

  • Food Poisoning for Parents

    Sometimes, germs can get into food and cause food poisoning. Find out what to do if your child gets food poisoning - and how to prevent it.

  • Celiac Disease Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about celiac disease, and how to help students with the digestive disorder succeed in school.

  • Celiac Disease for Teens

    People who have celiac disease, a disorder that makes their bodies react to gluten, can't eat certain kinds of foods. Find out more - including what foods are safe and where to find them.

  • Celiac Disease for Parents

    Celiac disease happens when someone has a food intolerance to gluten. Here's how to manage symptoms and prevent damage to the intestines.