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You searched for: birth-class
  • Talking to Your Parents or Other Adults for Teens

    Whether it's an everyday issue like schoolwork or an emergency situation, these tips can help you improve communications with your parents and other adults.

  • Turner Syndrome for Teens

    Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects about 1 in every 2,500 girls. Learn more about the condition and how doctors treat it.

  • What Being Overweight Means for Kids

    Being overweight has become a serious problem for many kids and adults. Find out what it means to be overweight in this article just for kids.

  • Week 33 for Parents

    Like a newborn, your baby sleeps much of the time and even has REM sleep, the stage when our most vivid dreams happen.

  • Words to Know (Special Health Care Needs Glossary) for Parents

    This glossary defines terms on health care, government benefits, learning, legal and financial matters, and more.