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You searched for: active-outdoors
  • Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin for Teens

    Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage, especially when you find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. Here are ways to prevent and treat common skin problems.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • Coughing for Parents

    Coughs are a common symptom, but most aren't a sign of a serious condition. Learn about different coughs, how to help your child feel better, and when to call your doctor.

  • Sibling Rivalry for Parents

    As upsetting as it can be for a parent, conflict between siblings is very common. Here's how to help your kids get along.

  • How to Be a Great Babysitter for Teens

    To be a great babysitter, help children have fun and learn — while still making them follow their parents' rules. Here's how to balance play with keeping order.

  • Lupus Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about this disease and how to help students with lupus succeed in school.

  • Asthma Triggers for Parents

    Triggers — things in the air, weather conditions, or activities — can cause asthma flare-ups. By knowing and avoiding triggers, you'll help lessen your child's asthma symptoms.

  • How to Handle Heat Illness for Parents

    In hot weather, a child's internal temperature can rise and cause heat exhaustion, which can progress to heatstroke if not treated quickly.

  • Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media for Parents

    Before kids or teens hit "enter," make sure they know the rules when it comes to oversharing, teasing, posting personal info, and other online don'ts.

  • Dengue Fever for Parents

    You're not at risk of this illness in the U.S., but if you live in or are traveling to a tropical country it's wise to take precautions against this virus.