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  • What's Glycogen? for Kids

    When the body has extra glucose, it stores it in the liver and muscles. This stored form of glucose is called glycogen.

  • Kitchen: Household Safety Checklist for Parents

    Use these checklists to make a safety check of your home, including your kitchen. You should answer "yes" to all of these questions.

  • How Can You Tell if a Condom Has Expired? for Teens

    Most condoms have expiration dates printed on the packaging. Avoid using a condom after it has expired.

  • Dandruff for Teens

    If you're worried about dandruff, you're not alone. Dandruff can start in puberty, and lots of teens and adults live with it. Learn how to control it.

  • Dandruff for Parents

    Got flakes? Most cases of dandruff don't require a visit to a doctor's office. Treat them at home with special, over-the-counter dandruff shampoos.

  • Gun Safety for Teens

    Every year, guns are used to kill or injure thousands of Americans. Here's how to keep yourself safe, whether your family has guns at home or not.

  • Cord Blood Banking for Parents

    Should you bank your newborn's cord blood? This article can help you decide.

  • Insulin Injections for Parents

    Before giving an insulin injection, know the basics so you can set up and do it safely and with confidence.

  • Talking to the Pharmacist for Parents

    If your child is sick, you'll probably have many questions to ask your doctor. But have you made a list of questions and concerns to share with your pharmacist?

  • Your Kidneys for Kids

    You need at least one kidney to live. Find out why in this article for kids.