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  • Melanoma for Parents

    Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Find out how to lower your family's risk of getting melanoma and how doctors treat it.

  • Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin for Teens

    Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage, especially when you find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. Here are ways to prevent and treat common skin problems.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) for Teens

    In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries produce higher than normal amounts of certain hormones, which can interfere with egg development and release. Learn how doctors diagnose and treat PCOS.

  • General Health Q&A for Parents

    From tonsils to tanning salons, here are answers to common questions parents have about keeping kids healthy.

  • Q&A for Parents

    Our medical experts answer some common — and not so common — questions about parenting, diseases and conditions, the human body, and raising happy and healthy kids.

  • Cancer Q&A for Parents

    Answers to your questions about cancer.

  • Safety Q&A for Parents

    Answers to your questions about keeping kids safe