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You searched for: eardrum
  • What Are Eardrums? for Kids

    Your eardrum is a really important part of your ear.

  • Eardrum Injuries for Teens

    Perforated eardrums can really hurt. And if you can't hear as well as usual, they can be scary. The good news is, most people who have them get all their hearing back eventually.

  • Eardrum Injuries for Parents

    A "popped" eardrum is more than just painful - it can sometimes lead to hearing loss. Learn about ruptured eardrums and how to prevent them.

  • A to Z: Eardrum, Perforated for Parents

    A perforated (or ruptured) eardrum is a hole in the eardrum caused by injury or infection.

  • Senses Experiment: Model Eardrum for Kids

    How does the eardrum work? Find out by trying this experiment.

  • Tympanoplasty for Parents

    Tympanoplasty is a surgery to repair a hole in the eardrum that doesn’t close on its own. It can improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear.

  • Ear Tube Surgery for Parents

    Many kids get middle ear infections (otitis media). Doctors may suggest ear tube surgery for those with multiple infections or a hearing loss or speech delay.

  • Middle Ear Infections (Otitis Media) for Parents

    Ear infections are common among kids and, often, painful. Find out what causes them and how they're treated.

  • Dealing With Earwax (Cerumen) for Parents

    Earwax helps protect the eardrum and fight infection. Parents shouldn't attempt to remove earwax at home, as doing so risks damage to the ear canal and, possibly, a child's hearing.

  • Ear Injuries for Parents

    Ear injuries not only can affect a child's hearing, but sense of balance too. That's because our ears also help keep us steady on our feet.