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You searched for: diet
  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • Vegetarian Diets for Parents

    Vegetarian diets have become more popular, and many parents may wonder if kids can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all the nutrients necessary for growing up healthy and strong.

  • Are Detox Diets Safe? for Teens

    The name sounds reassuring - everyone knows that anything toxic is bad for you. But detox diets aren't good for teens. Find out why.

  • Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy for Parents

    A ketogenic diet is a strict high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that can reduce, and sometimes stop, seizures.

  • Dairy-Free Diet for Parents

    A dairy-free diet is one that has no animal milk in it or any products made from milk.

  • Should I Go on a Diet? for Teens

    The best thing to do if you have a question about dieting is to see your doctor.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition for Teens

    Besides extra calories, teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Find out more.

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Parents

    Doctor may recommend the DASH diet for kids who've had a blood pressure reading that was higher than normal. The DASH diet is not a strict diet, but more of a lifestyle.

  • Dieting & Weight for Teens

    See answers to some common questions about weight.

  • Special Diets for Kids

    Info about food allergies, intolerances, and more.