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  • Confidence for Teens

    Confidence means believing in yourself and in your abilities – not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

  • Talking to Your Child About Drugs for Parents

    Help protect kids against drug use by giving them the facts before they're in a risky situation.

  • Asking for Help: Getting Past Obstacles for Teens

    Sometimes our ideas and beliefs stand in the way of asking for help. Here are ideas for teens on how to get past 5 common barriers to getting help.

  • Hoarseness for Parents

    Misuse of the vocal cords — caused by such things as repetitive screaming, yelling, or using the voice in an unnatural way — can lead to a hoarse voice. Learn how to get the voice back into perfect pitch.

  • School-Age Readers for Parents

    From kindergarten through third grade, kids' ability to read will grow by leaps and bounds. Although teachers provide lots of help, parents continue to play a role in a child's reading life.

  • Reading Books to Babies for Parents

    Reading aloud to your baby stimulates developing senses, and builds listening and memory skills that can help your baby grow up to be a reader.

  • Alcohol for Teens

    Deciding whether to drink is a personal decision that we each eventually have to make. Get the facts about alcohol.

  • Sun Safety for Parents

    By teaching kids how to enjoy fun in the sun safely, parents can reduce their risk for developing skin cancer.

  • Feeling Good About Yourself (Self-Esteem) for Kids

    Self-confidence and self-esteem are quiet inner strengths. They mean knowing you are a good person – someone who is likable, worthy, and capable.

  • Online Safety for Kids

    Online, just like in the real world, it's always better to be safe than sorry! Here's how kids can stay safe on the Internet.