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You searched for: boys
  • Growth and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old for Parents

    Kids entering puberty will undergo many changes in their developing bodies. Find out more about what to expect.

  • Safety Tips: Lacrosse for Teens

    When everyone's moving so fast and using sticks to sling a solid rubber ball around, injuries are bound to happen in lacrosse. Here's how to avoid them.

  • Delayed Puberty for Parents

    Puberty usually begins in girls 8-14, and in boys 9-15. If kids pass this normal age range without showing any signs of body changes, it's called delayed puberty.

  • What's an Adam's Apple? for Kids

    Where's your Adam's apple? Do you even have one? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Meatal Stenosis for Parents

    The meatus is the opening in the penis where the urine (pee) comes out. Meatal stenosis is when this is too small.

  • A to Z: Phimosis for Parents

    Learn about phimosis, a condition that affects the penis and foreskin in uncircumcised males.

  • Male Reproductive System for Teens

    What makes up a guy's reproductive system and how does it develop? Find the answers to these questions and more.

  • Growth and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old for Parents

    As kids grow from grade-schoolers to preteens, there continues to be a wide range of "normal" as far as height, weight, and shape.

  • Cancer Treatment & Fertility for Parents

    While some cancer treatments have little to no effect on reproductive health, others are more likely cause temporary or permanent infertility.

  • Homework Help (Topic Center) for Teens

    Writing a report? Studying for a test? Having problems at school? Get tips and advice.