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  • Types of Blood Tests for Parents

    Blood tests help doctors check how the body’s organs — such as the kidneys, liver, and thyroid, and heart — are working, and see if medical treatments are helpful. Here are some that kids might get.

  • Blood Test: T3 Total (Triiodothyronine) for Parents

    The T3 total test is part of an evaluation of thyroid function. It's particularly useful in diagnosing hyperthyroidism, which can cause symptoms such as a fast heart rate, weight loss, trembling and sweating.

  • Your Endocrine System for Kids

    The endocrine system produces hormones, which are needed for proper body function and growth. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Blood Test: Prolactin for Parents

    A prolactin test can help diagnose prolactinoma, a usually benign tumor of the pituitary gland, irregular menstrual periods, thyroid or adrenal gland dysfunction, and other problems.

  • Delayed Puberty for Parents

    Puberty usually begins in girls 8-14, and in boys 9-15. If kids pass this normal age range without showing any signs of body changes, it's called delayed puberty.

  • CT (CAT) Scan: Neck for Parents

    A neck CT scan uses a special X-ray machine to make images of the soft tissues and organs of the neck, including the muscles, throat, tonsils, adenoids, airways, thyroid, and other glands.

  • Blood Test: Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (tTg-IgA) for Parents

    The tissue transglutaminase IgA (tTg-IgA) test is usually done to help doctors diagnose celiac disease.

  • Ultrasounds for Parents

    An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images from the inside the body. Here are some types of ultrasounds often done.

  • Vitiligo for Parents

    While vitiligo might make kids self-conscious, this skin condition is not medically dangerous. Kids with vitiligo are as healthy as other kids.

  • Late Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment for Parents

    Long-term side effects, or late effects, happen to many cancer survivors. With early diagnosis and proper follow-up care, most late effects can be treated or cured.