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You searched for: date-rape
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about posttraumatic stress disorder, and how to help students with PTSD.

  • What Are "Magic" Mushrooms? for Parents

    Some kinds of mushrooms are considered illegal drugs because they contain substances that cause people to hallucinate. Find out more about hallucinogenic mushrooms.

  • Am I in a Healthy Relationship? for Teens

    All relationships go through good times and bad times, so it’s not always easy to tell if things are healthy or unhealthy. Here’s what to look for.

  • Abusive Relationships for Teens

    Abuse has no place in love. Read this article to find out how to recognize the signs of abuse and how you can get help.

  • Child Abuse for Parents

    Child abuse — whether it's physical, sexual, emotional, medical, or another type — can harm kids in many ways. Learn how to spot the signs of child abuse.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Teens

    Sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event, a person has a strong and lingering reaction known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Getting treatment and support can make all the difference.

  • Drugs: What to Know for Teens

    It's not hard to find drugs, and sometimes it may seem like everyone's doing them or wanting you to do them. But there are downsides (and dangers) to taking drugs.

  • Safety Basics - Children's Health System - Alabama for Teens

    Whether you're online or in the real world, camping or hanging out in the backyard, this section can help you stay safe.

  • Bullying/Violence for Teens

    Get advice on everything from standing up to bullies to apologizing to someone if you were the bully.

  • Safety & First Aid - Children's Health System - Alabama for Teens

    From enjoying the great outdoors to playing sports safely, here's how to protect yourself and deal with emergencies.