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You searched for: babies-juice
  • Your Baby's Growth: 9 Months for Parents

    Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 8 Months for Parents

    Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and may even be crawling or cruising. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 11 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow quickly. All this activity and the foods your baby eats affect growth and weight.

  • What’s Best for My Baby to Drink? for Parents

    Find out what babies should and shouldn't drink in their first year of life.

  • When Can My Baby Start Eating Solid Foods? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Go, Slow, and Whoa! A Kid's Guide to Eating Right for Kids

    Want to eat healthier? It's easy when you learn the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods!

  • 3 Ways to Build Strong Bones for Parents

    We build almost all our bone density when we're kids and teens. Kids with strong bones have a better chance of avoiding bone weakness later in life. Here's how parents can help.

  • Nutritional Needs for Kids With Cancer for Parents

    Eating as well as possible and staying hydrated can help kids undergoing cancer treatment keep up their strength and deal with side effects. These tips can help.

  • Calcium for Parents

    Milk and other calcium-rich foods help build strong, healthy bones. But most kids and teens don't get enough calcium. Here's how to make sure that yours do.

  • Vitamin D for Parents

    Vitamin D is needed for strong bones, but is hard to come by because it's found in few foods. Here's how to make sure kids get enough vitamin D.