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  • Dictionary: Right Ventricle for Parents

    The right ventricle pumps blood low in oxygen to the lungs.

  • Dictionary: Inferior Vena Cava for Parents

    The inferior vena cava is the large vein that returns blood from the legs and abdomen to the heart.

  • Dictionary: Right Atrium for Parents

    The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from the body and then empties the blood into the right ventricle.

  • Dictionary: Interstage Period for Parents

    Babies with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) need three surgeries. The time between the first and second surgeries is called the interstage period.

  • Dictionary: Superior Vena Cava for Parents

    The superior vena cava is the large vein that returns blood from the head and arms to the heart.

  • Dictionary: Sano shunt for Parents

    A Sano shunt is a small, soft tube that lets blood in the body be redirected.

  • Dictionary: Single Ventricle Defect for Parents

    Having a single ventricle means that only one of the heart's two ventricles (pumping chambers) works well enough to pump blood.

  • Dictionary: Open-Heart Surgery for Parents

    Open-heart surgery is surgery that involves opening the chest and heart. A heart-lung machine does the work for the heart and lungs during the procedure.

  • Dictionary: Aorta for Parents

    The aorta is the major blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.

  • Dictionary: Left Atrium for Parents

    The left atrium receives blood full of oxygen from the lungs and then empties the blood into the left ventricle.