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Aetna Better Health of Virginia (Medicaid) is a KidsHealth Educational Partner

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You searched for: thighs
  • Classroom Exercise Breaks for Elementary Students for Parents

    Elementary school teachers can incorporate physical activity breaks into daily classroom routines to help improve test scores and student behavior. This article is for educators.

  • Your Muscles for Kids

    You have more than 600 muscles in your body! They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lifting your heavy backpack. Find out more.

  • A to Z: Polymyositis for Parents

    Polymyositis is an uncommon disease that causes muscle weakness, pain, and inflammation. It usually affects adults.

  • A to Z: Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch) for Parents

    Tinea cruris, also known as jock itch, is a skin infection of the groin area caused by several types of fungi often found on the skin.

  • A to Z: Synovitis, Transient for Parents

    Transient synovitis is a temporary inflammation of a joint, most often the hip, that usually does not cause any long-term problems.

  • What Are Reflexes? for Kids

    Reflexes help protect your body. Find out what they are in this article for kids.

  • A to Z: Lipoma for Parents

    A lipoma is a non-cancerous mass of fat cells that grows under the skin.

  • A to Z: Pityriasis Rosea for Parents

    Learn about rashes and other conditions that affect the skin.

  • A to Z: Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) for Parents

    In slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), the very top of the thighbone (called the femoral head) slips out of line with the rest of the thighbone, causing a weakened hip joint.

  • Senses Experiment: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes for Kids

    Are some areas of skin more sensitive than others? Find out by trying this experiment.

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